
Tagged from Sabrosa

Two names you are called that are not your real name:
1. Cikgu - budak2 sekolah pangey
2. Sir - juga budak2 sekolah pangey

Two things you're wearing now:
1. T-shirt blue black belang ijau and white
2. Grey Adidas Track Bottom

What are 2 of your favorite things to do?
1. Tidoq.
2. Sukan

Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Tidoq
2. Nak p toilet

Two of the people who will fill this out and return
1. lalang
2. muna

Two things you did yesterday:
1. Tgk From Beijing With Love
2. Ajaq Senamrobik kat Skolah

Two things you ate yesterday:
1. Sumi warna merah
2. Nasik+Kicap+Sardin+teloq goreng

Two people you last talked to:
1. Mi-G ( call ) - " topap xdak"
2. Saripuddin - "vacum ada dlm stor"

Two things you are doing tomorrow:
1. Meniaga Ayaq dkat Hari Terbuka Asrama.
2. Buat Lesson Plan Dgn ABM

Two favorite holidays:
1. ataih tilam
2. paris - xpenah pi pon

Two favorite drinks:
1. Teh o ais
2. Ayaq Suam

Dekan Lafaz Bismillahirahmanirahim Saya Mengetag

1. Muna - sbb hang tag aku haritu
2. Lalang - tgk blog baru buat ja

2 ulasan:

mUna cumey gila tak terkata berkata...

jom gi paris.

lawa sungguh header anda.

seperti anda.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

aku link blog ang eh

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